Friday, 28 December 2012

Wisdom is our tools to solve problems


Wisdom is our tools to solve problems.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Mother -Warm Food

Mother Love is to ensure there is always warm food on the table...

Monday, 29 October 2012

Mother Hardship

Mother Love is a lot of hardship...
So that you always have clean clothes to wear....

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Mother Nagging

Mother teaching and guidance is always considered as nagging.... :rant:

But do you see your Mother Nagging at your friends .....

No of course not...

Why...not ....because your friends well beings are none of her business....

Friday, 26 October 2012

Modern Life

So learn to Relax after Work ..... :rahrah::snooze::imcool:


I am always offline, during weekend :xedfingers:

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Parents Love -Like the Sun

the devotion of parents love for their children is like the sun....never dim in their life...

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Friday, 12 October 2012

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

The importance of taking good care of our minds ....
Extracted from Ven Tenzin Palmo talk in Tasmania, Australia June 2000.
"Without a mind we are like a corpse.
All our inner feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories , anticipations and fantasies are from our mind.

But how much care do we take of our minds?

While we take such care to clean, air decorate our homes.
We also put much effort into taking care of our bodies, we take bath everyday, we wear decent clothings , we see that our hair is brushed and washed.
We take care of our skin and appearance.

But we take little trouble to clean , air and beautifully adorn our minds.
Our minds are junk piles.

Everyday from newspapers, TV, radio, gossip -all kinds of piles in and sits there.

YEars and YEars of stupid thoughts and futile memories of things people did against us churn around our mind-all the resentments , jealousies and frustration going way back to childhood.

These resentments constantly stay there fermenting in our minds.

It is as though we are all constipated in our mind.
We rarely ever let out and expurgate.

And on top of this incredible long standing pile of garbage , we want to build a beautiful spirtual temple.

We want to become great meditators and we wonder why it doesn't work...."

Thursday, 11 October 2012

More on Swimming Upstream.Extracted from Ven.Tenzin Palmo talk in Tasmania Australia June 2000.

"We are not going to flow the way of the river. We're going to swim upstream.
Swimming Upstream is always hard.
It is easy to be swept along with the general current. But to turn around and swim upstream takes courage. :imdrowning:

The problem is that the river , which is flowing down , is just going to end up in wastelands. It is going to end in the swamps.

If we have the courage to swim upstream, we may have a chance of actually coming back to pure spring and source of the river. It's up to us.

Nobody can do this for us. :imanangel:

Each one of us has to take responsiblity of our lives. :pray:
Whether our lives are going to be destructive force against ourselves and against others or not. :scared:

No Buddha is standing up there with a thunderbolt ready to strike us down if we swot an ant or tell a lie . :spank:

It doesn't harm the Buddhas . :roll:

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Swim Upstream

The Courage to Swim Upstream...Back Home -By Anne-Marie

Extracts from :

How does the journey of wild salmon reflect the path of living an authentic life?

The journey of the salmon is one of the most amazing phenomena in nature. How is it that after years in the sea, they can locate the exact stream in which they were born and pursue their upstream return home?

Human journey back home can be lonely, scary, disorienting and full of ‘obstacles’.

Living and leading an authentic life requires staying focused even in the middle of the ferocious storms, perceived ‘predators’ and swimming against the conventional stream of people unconsciously and innocently racing away from home.

This journey requires a dedication to becoming intimate with the strategies of the mind, the messages from the body and the willingness to sit in the fire of intense emotions and reactions when they arise.

What seems straight forward, intellectually, can feel counter-intuitive and exhausting. Doesn’t it sound easy to ‘become more intimate with our particular thoughts, beliefs and distracting behaviors that inhibit us from living with an open-heart and with a fierce trust in every moment and experience of our lives?’ Yet, doing so can feel like swimming upstream, jumping waterfalls and lying exhausted on the edge of the bank.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Melody the Movie -1st of May

This video clip reminds me of my Puppy Love...
So sweet innocent and romantic...